之前也就 提過 想盡量買 Organic 或者 ethical 的產品,其實又不算太落力實行,
上星期買了瓶花生醬,包裝上好大隻字寫著「Organic」和「Made in Australia」二話不說就買了,
然後細看後面的字 :「Peanuts imported from China」,
近來懶 Hippies 的我, 想盡量吃健康食物,少吃加工食品和垃圾零食,自我感覺良好。
最近聽了一個關於化妝品的網台節目,提到有一種化學物質 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), 是最常用的起泡劑,
長期使用會導致這樣哪樣各樣的疾病啦 (看下面紫色字)。
而 SLS 則寫上「To make you feel good」
原來我們一直認為越多泡泡便等於越乾淨,於是生產商便加入 SLS 來滿足我們的心理。
Warning: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
- SLS is in 90% of all shampoos, toothpastes and products that foam.
- SLS permanently damages the eye, especially in children.
- SLS damages the immune symptom.
- SLS stays in the body for up to 5 days.
- SLS maintains a residual level in heart, liver, lung and brain.
- Nitrosamines... cause the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than eating nitrate contaminated food.
- Hairdressers and stylists have the youngest death rate of any occupational group (lawyers are next)
- 33% have ingredients linked to cancer
- Only 11% of the 10,500 chemicals found in personal care products have been screened for safety
- 45% have ingredients that may be harmful to the reproductive system and baby's development
- 60% have ingredients that may disrupt hormones
- 65% contain penetration enhancers. These are chemicals that help other chemicals penetrate deeper and faster
- - 82% have ingredients linked to immune system toxicity"
馬上跑去浴室一看, 嘩! 我的洗頭水 / 護髮素 / 洗面膏 / 牙膏 / 止汗劑 / 面霜 / Lotion / 防曬霜等基本上全部有齊節目中所提及的幾種有害物質 (eg, SLS / SLES / PG / DEA / MEA / TEA / PEG... )
唔, 我的化學知識早已還給老師了, 現在只知 WTF。
指甲油也是高毒度表十大了,而我塗了十幾年指甲油 / Gel 甲,從不間斷,基本上未見過自己的甲色的…
調查一下,指甲油基本上不可能做到全天然物質,但至少去買那種謤磅 「3 Free」的產品,
就是最毒的三種一般指甲油常有的 Formaldehyde, Dibutyl Phthalate 和 Toluene (看下面紫色雞腸)
- Formaldehyde. It’s the stuff they use to preserve dead things. I should know, I worked in a lab for many years and let me tell you, there is a strict protocol around avoiding getting it on your skin or breathing in its fumes! It’s a known human carcinogen and can cause ear, nose, throat and skin irritations.
- Dibutyl Phthalate. It’s the most controversial of these ingredients; it’s a known reproductive and developmental toxin, and is linked to hormonal and long-term fertility problems in newborn males. It’s banned in the EU. [But is apparently safe enough for Australians? - Sarah]
- Toluene. A possible reproductive and developmental toxin that causes headaches, dizziness and fatigue. It can cause liver, kidney and brain damage, as well as damage to a developing foetus.
我能做的就是認真上網做資料搜集,買真正天然 (或少防腐劑之類) 的良心品牌。
下一步會試試 DIY 面霜洗頭水等,畢竟我還有下半世要用這些個人護理品,認真的檢查一下到底自己在放什麼在自己口中和塗在皮膚上,希望能對老年的自己有個交待。
於是我到街上先買了 Sukin 品牌的洗頭水 / 護髮素 / 沖涼液和搽面精華油 (Rose Hip oil), 暫時看到瓶上寫著 No SLS / No XXX / No XXX 的,又有 Certified organic, 而且是澳洲公司 (澳洲一向對安全健應審批嚴格),不過回家看看,這品牌沒有在 safecosmetics 的 list 上, 或者我以後再調查一下這網站是不是只放美國產品。
花了一天看 Reviews, research, 格價,網上買了一堆化妝品防曬品護膚品的, 日後再寫個評品 blog 吧?
safecosmetics 有列明「安全品牌」表, 大家可以看看有哪些一直謤磅純天然的品牌, 卻又磅上無名,為甚麼呢?
大家也可以參考一下面下網站 :
- skin-deep
- http://cefic.org The European Chemical Industry Council
- http://www.thenakedtruthproject.org The Naked Truth Project
- http://www.ToxicFreeAwareness.com Consumer Advocate’s Blog ”Toxic Free Awareness”
- www.Scorecard.org The Pollution Information Site
- National Toxics Network, an organisation that lobbies the Australian government to catch up to the rest of the world in regulating toxins.
- Sarah Wilson 這澳洲女子一直追求無毒生活, 她的 Blog 資料豐富。
扮下化學 missy 先 |
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