Saturday, 25 October 2014

Vapiano - 意大利餐廳 - 新概念店

澳洲文化只有短短幾百年歷史, 因為初期的澳洲有著大量意大利新移民, 所以澳洲菜深受意大利菜影響。
現在新一代的青年好多都是意大利混血, 這裡俗稱 wok
上星期去了這間位於墨爾本市中心的意大利餐廳 – Vapiano, 大愛!!!

 我們很早就到場所以完全沒有人, 我可以任意拍照做遊客, 到晚飯時間就會全擁擠滿客人。
餐廳樓高兩層, 地方寬敝, 簡約的室設計和自然草木裝潢令人心擴神怡。
當入餐廳時店員先每人給一張點菜咭,客人可各自前往廚房點菜, 點了什麼就會存檔在咭上,

這個新的付款概念太好了! 可免掉好多分帳付款的煩惱!

上星期我們一行 50 人去 Groove Train 吃晚餐,50人啊!
, 基本上佔了該餐廳一大部份,
埋單時竟然一張單,no split bill.
, 然後她碌咭找數.
ATM , 大家輪流看單上點了的食物表去自己要付多少錢,
就這個埋單動作就花了半小時, 好不順利

Vapiano 這自己付自己的方法就可免了大家要把帳單除以人頭的不平等計算法了。
如果遺失咭便要付 AUD $75
除了付款方法外, Vapiano 點菜的方法亦與別不同。
客人需要自行到 pasta bar / Pizza bar Salod bar 跟廚師點。我們吃的是 pasta,

pasta, 然後醬汁, 什麼材料和調味等,廚師便即場在你面前煮了。
份量超大還送麵包, 我們兩人 share 一份main 也竟然飽了。

每張台上都有一盤小盤哉, 一開始我以為是裝飾物, 原來是Basil!
客人可自行把 basil 葉子放進你的餐裡調味, 好好玩呀,喪meet meet…

Vapiano 也標榜用料新鮮, 他們都盡量採購在餐廳附近的供應商買煮食材料
價錢也很實惠, 我會再回來的!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Silent Hill Nuse Cosplay

我自細就超喜歡 Silent Hill 這遊戲 ,打從九十年代 PS one 開始 ,
Silent hill 裡的護士小姐更加是我長期至愛 ,但男人一直反對我穿著暴露 (笑)
我覺得於我還有腰之年 ,真的要一賞所願!

一開始我買了件日本的情趣內衣, 他一看到便說 : "有點短, 有點太小布啊! "
於是我不敢給他看到我試穿上身 XD

後來朋友把她不合身的護士裙子給我, 男人高興了, 因為裙子長了鬆了。
不過我還是偷偷改窄了... 護士裙重點就是要超貼身啊!

首先把裙子泡在咖啡和茶包裡過夜, 第二天清早房間香濃咖啡味 XD

然後在後中剪掉五吋闊的布. 貓貓偏要這個時候坐在我大腿上 -_-"
之後用 eye shadows, 豉油, arylic paints 顏料把裙子弄得好像被火燒的黑黑啡啡...

面具方便我 cheated 了, 本來買了 Liquid latex 打算自己造, 但還是先在 ebay 買了現成的面具再加工。

用灰色 hair spray 噴在皮膚上做出沒有血色的效果, 再用紅色藍色 eyeliner 畫爆血管。

然後... voila!!!
Amageddon 2014!!!

Friday, 3 October 2014

英國 BBC 眼中只會發生在香港的遊行運動場面


我先不發表任何政治意見, 暫時想分享一下英國 BBC 眼中的這場只會發生在香港的有趣場面。
的確,即使被催淚彈射過, 被胡椒噴霧射過, 在街睡了兩夜… 第二天早上香港人還把垃圾收捨好。
The original members of Veruca Salt, Nina Gordon, Louise Post, Steve Lack and Jim Shapiro recently announced an epic reunion tour that seems them playing their first shows together since 1998!
And Australia has been included in those plans!

(30.09.2014) Tear gas, pepper spray, feelings of anger and betrayal, crowds forced to run from riot police... and yet the protests retain that uniquely Hong Kong character.

Reporters and Hong Kong residents have shared their most surreal and charming experiences on the streets.

Grey line
Doing your homework

Perhaps it isn't actually anarchic but it is definitely one of the biggest protests in Hong Kong for years. And yet students - some of whom were at the vanguard of this movement - find time to sit down and do their homework. Richard Frost for Bloomberg News tweeted this picture of children doing just that.

Children doing homework Students doing their homework in Hong Kong's street protest

Grey line
Apologising for the barricade you put up

An entrance to the Causeway Bay MTR station was barricaded and emblazoned with signs shouting out for democracy. In the middle was a small cardboard sign - also written by the protesters: "Sorry for the inconvenience."

MTR station

Hong Kong resident Collier Nogues, who took the picture, said it is "characteristic of the feeling everywhere I went this afternoon. Generous, polite."

Hong Kong sees third day of massive civil resistance pro-democracy movement Occupy Central Always apologise for putting up a barricade and blocking access

Grey line
Deploying ancient arts of self defence with an umbrella

The humblest and most domestic of props became a protest icon after it was transformed into a shield against pepper spray and tear gas.

Veruca Salt 演唱會 2014

1993 在美國芝加哥成立的樂隊 Veruca Salt 的原本隊員是由 Nina Gordon, Louise Post, Steve Lack Jim Shapiro 組成的。
當年還是小女孩的 Nina Gordon 想組一隊像用糖果包裝的 grunge 樂隊, 好像偶像 Big Star, My Blood Valentine The Pixies 一樣的風格。
Veruca Salt
好快便把自己獨有的可愛流行曲發展為新一代搖滾樂隊, 用她們獨有的雙女主音和唱甜美聲線在九十年代殺出一條新血路。

Volcano Girls, Seether, All Hail Me, Shutterbug, Born Entertainer, Officially Dead

, 經過差不多廿年她們仍然保持像個 Rock chick 般在台上又跳又 head bang, 氣氛熱烈。

