Saturday, 11 May 2019

How to clear your money blocks

[How to clear your money blocks] 

The concept of money blocks is strange because on the surface, why wouldn’t we want to make more money? It’s weird when you think about it.

Do you feel tired of chasing money but you pretend that you don’t care about money?Do you tell yourself that 

“rich people are devils and greedy and they only take take take?”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” 
“I don’t need that much money, money doesn’t buy you happiness”“I’m just a normal everyday person who doesn’t have money”“I’ll never be rich because of blah blah blah”

How’s these beliefs serving you for having a financial freedom life so far?
Are these thoughts blocking you from receiving more money?
Are you blocking yourself from opportunity to learn how to let money flow into your effortlessly?
Because you believe in hard work for a job that you don’t like is the only way to pay the bill?
Or because you believe that you are not working for money?