Thursday, 21 August 2014

Star Wars girl

未認識 PH 之前我根本分不出 StarWars 和 Star Trek。
今年 PH 生日他父母送他這張生日咭。
我看到後偷偷告訴 PH : 「rebel scum, 你明明是喜歡壞人的。他們買錯咭了」
PH 為有這個老婆而發出自豪表情抱著我狂笑。

早前在街上路過聽到三個老外在聊天,無意聽到幾個字「迪士尼」和「J J Abrams」,我竟然答咀說:「Star Wars 新電影嗎?」

上星期還不小心買了 Star Wars storm trooper 鞋子和帽子。


Thursday, 7 August 2014


Saw this movie poster with a red shirt moustached guy in hot pink colour background, titled “her”, thought it was a gay movie.

Directed by Spike Jonze who did one of my favourite movie “Being John Malkovich”.

Alright, I’ll give it a go.

Without knowing anything about this movie, it surprised me.

I really liked it, the concept, the dialogue, the story line and Scarlett Johansson’s sexy voice.

”Her” is basically about a guy who falls in love with his computer operation system.

Yeah, I know, sounds lame huh?

But Scarlett really made the story believable, I’d fall in love with her witty, smart, caring and sexy voice too.                                                                                                                                                                

And Scarlett is like any other real woman, who would head fuct guys, confused people with their emotions.

This movie is set in the slight future where AI has “FEELINGS”.      

Imaging that, if Siri has feelings and emotions, what would happened to the world?   

Will it makes anti-social people become happier?
Will it makes birth rate dropped because people are not dating real people?

Eventually this OS lady moved on, as she is super intelligent (She’s computer, hello), they “Broke up”.

How would this main character Theo recover from such a heart broken event? His feelings were real.

I would sue Apple and go for Android lol
Yeah, 1st world problem I know.

The tone of the movie was always so nice & bright, Theo has an amazing city viewed apartment with no curtains.

This movie gave me the idea of how technology will evolve in the near future.
How smart phone and marketing will be in our everyday life.
People are less sentimental that company like exists.

There's a video game in the movie was also quite interesting, an alien kid character in the game would interact with the players and swears a lot, he's a funny guy. 

I recommend you watch this movie.